New advantages of Google for reading e-books

Google has released Audiobooks on the Google Play Store two months ago to help you absorb more books in your life. Google has recently made some updates so you can talk on the go with your phone or at home


Do not lose your place with Smart Appeal

There are always interruptions, and sometimes you have to write your language book in the middle of a sentence or word switch off because your answer is called or for other reasons. Or the phrase, when you open your audiobook again so that you can. Go back to where you left off.


Re-bookmark your favorite moments

Save all your favorite moments with Google Play Books bookmarks while listening to your phone by clicking the bookmark icon


Win with Google Assistant actions a longer reading time

Related Topics What you can read now:

Every morning you can write your business address in Google Maps to see traffic and review your appointments. In Google Calendar, you can get started with your favorite audiobook

Add Google Home audiobooks to your routine and say after adding, “Ok Google, tell me about my day


Share with the family library in 13 new countries

With the family library you can Share audiobooks and ebooks with up to 5 family members for free “depending on the book” and then read shared books for Android, iOS and the Web

Google has sent this to more families in 13 new countries, In this Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Chile, Mexico and Japan “only Audio Books “and South Africa.


