Dearest People – for prepaid and postpaid subscribers

The dearest people service is one of Sabafon’s most important and famous services. This service allows prepaid and postpaid subscribers to choose 6 contacts within Sabafon network and communicate with them for1 riyal all day long.. Just choose 6 of your contact numbers and enjoy the tariff.

  • This service is without a monthly subscription fee
  • This service targets both prepaid and post-paid subscribers.


Subscription method for prepaid: 

  • To subscribe to this service dial 333 for free and follow the voice instructions or call this code*200 *1#
  • To add a number, call 333 and follow the voice instructions or by the code *200*3*1*00967(Number)#
  • To delete a number, call 333 and follow the voice instructions or by the code *200*3*2*00967(Number)#
  • To cancel the subscription to this service dial 333 for free and follow the voice instructions or call the code *200*2#
  • The first 6 numbers to be added to the service list will be free, after which 5 units will be calculated for each number added or modified.


Subscription method for post-paid: 

To subscribe to this service, send the wanted number to be added to 1014, and each addition is in a single text message.

  • To delete any number from the list, send * then the phone number to be deleted to 1014
  • To unsubscribe, send the letter G to 1014
  • The first 6 numbers to be added to the service list will be free, after which 50 riyals is calculated for each number added or modified.




Tariff of calls during peak times 1 riyal per minute
Tariff for calls during Layali time 1 riyal per minute
SMS tariff all day 1 riyal per message



